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Should we rent or buy? What to consider!

Lina Oksaite from our Property Team discusses renting vs buying in today’s market

Statistics show that by 2018, home ownership in Ireland had increased up to 70.3% and people continue to buy homes for various reasons, be it for their own use or as an investment, especially in present times where renting a property is almost impossible.

One may see that owning a home may be an investment and another may see renting as a way of saving their money and ensuring that their finances and any outgoings are stable and predictable, so they are able to plan and even save.

Of course, many of us cannot imagine how paying money into landlords’ pockets, can be of any benefit at all. It has been noted that statistics show 14% rise in rents in 2022 alone, which is one of the highest increases in rental prices so far in Ireland according to, Irelands most popular property website. notes that at the end of 2016, there were less than 2,800 homes for sale in the Dublin market, however, in comparison, in December 2018, there are over 4,800 and it continues to increase making it harder for people to find homes to rent as selling property becomes more favorable.

In 2022 there were only 345 homes to rent in Dublin and 1087 homes nationwide, which explains why renting is becoming unaffordable for many.It is important to note that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, forced many residents to move and re-locate, some of whom have ended up in Ireland also increasing the demand for housing.

Article 31 of the Council of Europe’s Revised European Social Charter sets out that the responsibility of the State is to:

“promote access to housing of an adequate standard, to prevent and reduce homelessness with a view to its gradual elimination, and to make the price of housing accessible to those without adequate resources.”

Over the past number of years, Ireland has been struggling to maintain affordable accommodation for renting purposes and even with the introduction of HAP, tenants face serious issues as their income may be “just little bit over” the threshold and they would fall outside the eligibility for this scheme.

If you are one of the lucky ones and manage to secure a tenancy, one of the most obvious advantages, is that as a tenant, your responsibilities are limited such as to pay rent, keep the property in good condition as far as practicable and to pay some of utilities such as gas/electricity. Your Lease would usually contain all the covenants that you agree to by signing the Lease for a specific term.

As a tenant in the property, you do not need to concern yourself with property taxes, management Fees or even repairs that may be due. You have flexibility in terms of your lifestyle, being able to move around without worrying about leaving your property behind or selling it. Renting property also provides the tenant with fixed expenditure therefore allowing the tenant to predict their expenditure and budget accordingly.

However, if you are a considerably large family or wishing to settle it could be extremely difficult as a Lease would only last for a specific term and the Landlord is entitled to re-claim their property at any time for their own use or sale. This can be very unsettling as families usually find it difficult moving homes.

Threshold, the tenants’ rights organization, which provides independent advice and advocacy to people experiencing housing problems, have reported that there is an ongoing increase in the number of people experiencing homelessness each month and even the lucky tenants are now forced to accept low-standard properties as supply drops but demand keeps increasing.

In its report of 13 October 2022 called “Renting and Risk”, Threshold mentions the 2019 Focus Ireland Report, which found that 68% of homeless families in Dublin reported their last stable home as being in the private rented sector, with just over one-third of these becoming homeless because their rental property had been removed from the market (e.g., landlord selling).

On the other hand, buying a house is a big step for anyone. The most obvious advantage is that it creates stability for families. You are your own boss, you can keep pets, make improvements you like, and no one is there to tell you otherwise.

With rent prices being so high, you may see it more profitable to pay a mortgage which would be the same or less than rent payments. Especially nowadays where renting is so hard to find for a reasonable price. RTB statistics show that average rent payments in Dublin are around €2000 while average monthly mortgage instalments according to Bank of Ireland Calculators, could range between €1,300-€1,700 for a reasonably sized property, therefore meaning that paying a mortgage especially if you are living in Dublin, could be cheaper than renting a home.

However, it’s not as easy as it sounds. Buying a home is a big financial expense. You are required to have a deposit of 10% and a wage of a certain level if you wish to get a mortgage as the size of the mortgage you are able to receive will always depend on your income. Any loans, or similar commitments will also reduce the size of the Loan you are able to receive.

Apart from your mortgage, there is other expenditure you may incur such as paying taxes e.g. LPT, if it’s an apartment you will have to pay management fee, you will be responsible for repairs etc.

Owning a home means you cannot just move without having a responsibility to look after it or being forced to dispose of the property, which also can be a great expenditure, especially where the market value falls, and you are not able to sell your property for the value you bought it.

Despite the above, many people still choose to buy property due to the market being so good at this time and they are able to obtain other help which is available for buyers. There are other Loans available such as First Home Scheme, which is finance up to 30% of your new property and is given for first-time buyers. There is also Help to Buy Scheme which is essentially Government tax refund scheme and was enacted to help purchasers get deposit for their home.

*Please note that the content of this blog does not amount to professional advice. Legal advice should be sought in respect of specific queries. This update is provided on the basis of information available as at February 2023. For further information, please contact Lina Oksaite /Lisa McKenna or any member of the McKenna & Co Property Team.


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Green Energy Grants Ireland | SEAI Grants | Home Energy Grants | Lower Mortgage Rates

Green Grants could help you towards a lower interest rate on your mortgage, a more marketable property and reduced utility bills – it’s a no-brainer. Becoming a more sustainable and greener community is the responsibility of us all and at McKenna & Co we take great pride in working towards this global issue with our in-office sustainability project and practices but how can we help you on this mission for a greener home.  One way to contribute is to think about how you can make your home more sustainable in your energy use. Thinking about how your home or business can be more energy efficient not only helps Ireland become more sustainable but can also helphomeowners and businesses save in energy costs, reduce your interest rate with yourlender and ultimately make your home more attractive to a potential buyer. The Sustainable energy authority of Ireland or Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) offers grants to homeowners and businesses to achieve just that, and we encourage our clients to consider availing of them where they are eligible. There are a number of grants available currently depending on your criteria and eligibility. Types of Grants for Consideration Individual Energy Upgrade Grants – private homeowners and landlords One Stop Shop Service – private homeowners and landlords Fully Funded Energy Upgrade – homeowners in receipt of certain welfare payments Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant.​ Individual Energy Upgrade Grants This is a step-by-step upgrade of your home for homeowners and landlords who want tomanage their own project.  There is no minimum BER required to avail of this grant, your home just needs to be built and occupied before 2011 for insulation and heating controls and before 2021 for heat pumps and renewable systems.  By selecting this type of grant, you will manage the upgrade to include selecting the contractor, applying for the grant, managing the works completed by the contractor and following up in relation to the BER cert.  The homeowners will receive the grant once the works have been completed and grant paperwork submitted. SEAI grants Ireland available include Attic Insulation, Wall Insulation, Heating Controls, Heat Pump, Solar Thermal and Solar PV. The exact amounts available for each grant is available to view of the SEAI website along with the grant application process. One Stop Shop Service This is for homeowners and landlords looking for multiple energy upgrades, there is a minimum B2 BER required and your home needs to be built and occupied before 2011.  This grant includes the project to be managed from start to finish by the one-stop shop service to include application for the grant and a home energy assessment. The one-stop shop must be on the list of SEAI registered contractors Dublin listed on the SEAI website.  The services offered are as the individual energy upgrade grant but instead of being self-managed, this is managed by the one-stop shop. Fully Funded Energy Upgrade There is a fully funded and apart funded grant. There is a fully funded upgrade for citizensreceiving welfare allowances (a full list is available on the SEAI website). Homes eligible for the grant must be built and occupied before 2006, the home must be the applicants main residence and the applicant is receiving at least one of the welfare payments detailed on the SEAI website.  The service is managed by the SEAI from start to finish to include home energy assessment and grant application. The upgrades which are offered through the grant are attic insulation, wall insulation, lagging jackets, draught proofing, efficient lighting, new heating systems and new windows. This is particularly beneficial for those looking into insulation grants for pensioners Ireland or heating grants for pensioners Ireland. Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant. The Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant is a payment you can get if you are turning avacant house or building into your permanent home or a rental property. A grant of up to€50,000 is available. If the refurbishment costs exceed the standard grant of up to €50,000, a top-up grant amount of up to €20,000 is available. See below.  To qualify for the grant, you must: 1) have proof of ownership or evidence of active negotiations to buy the property (that is, confirmation of engagement from the estate agent or owner of the property) where you are seeking approval in principle for a grant 2)  live in the property as your principal private residence or make it available for rent 3)  have proof that the property has been vacant for at least 2 years and that it was builtup to and including 2007   Local authorities administer the Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant.   These grants offer great incentives for homeowners and business owners to commit to a more sustainable approach to their energy use. Not only does it make financial sense to avail of these as the cost of energy consumption will decrease, but it also supports Ireland’s move towards sustainability. The home energy grants Ireland and solar energy grants Ireland are designed to make the transition to energy efficiency as smooth as possible, whether you’re interested in solar panel grants, EV charger grant, or insulation grants.   Written by: Bethany Youngson and Lisa McKenna This blog is for general guidance only and not intended as professional advice.Advice should always be taken before acting on any of the grants identified. Contact Us Get in Touch with Us! We’ll respond to you within 24 hours of a working day. Name Email Message Send

 Irish Property Law

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The primary goal of property law is to regulate the relationships between individuals and entities concerning real property, ensuring orderly and fair ownership, use, and transfer of these assets. Overview of Property Transactions in Ireland Understanding the Irish property market’s legal and financial landscape is crucial, whether you’re buying, selling, or renting. Here’s what you need to know: Framework and Mandates: In Ireland, the legal foundation of property transactions is solidified by the Statute of Frauds Act and the Family Home Protection Act, among other legislations. These laws are pivotal, requiring all property sales contracts to be documented in writing. Such contracts must comprehensively outline the terms of the agreement, including specifics of the property, the agreed price, and any stipulated conditions. Particularly for married couples selling property, mutual consent is a prerequisite under the Family Home Protection Act, ensuring both parties are equally protected and involved. Dynamics of Property Rentals in Ireland Governance and Obligations: The realm of property rentals in Ireland is steered by the Residential Tenancies Act. This act delineates the rights and duties of landlords and tenants, embedding provisions for the security of tenure, mechanisms for rent adjustment, and avenues for dispute resolution. It mandates landlords to uphold minimum property standards and engage in the official registration of tenancies with the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB), ensuring a structured and fair rental market. Rights and Duties of Tenants: Occupying a rental property comes with its set of entitlements and responsibilities. Tenants are assured the right to a habitable and secure living space, the expectation of privacy, and timely notifications of rent adjustments. Concurrently, they bear the obligation to remit rent punctually, maintain the property in good condition, and promptly communicate any requisite repairs to the landlord, fostering a respectful and cooperative landlord-tenant relationship. The Process of Buying Property in Ireland Buying property in Ireland involves several key steps, each with legal implications that require careful consideration: Types of Sales: Properties can be acquired either through private sales or public auctions. Private sales are more common and involve negotiations through real estate agents. Public auctions, while potentially more competitive, necessitate thorough preparation, including legal checks, surveys, and financing arrangements before bidding. Understanding Property Titles: In Ireland, property ownership is documented as either Land Registry (Registered) or Registry of Deeds (Unregistered) titles: Land Registry Titles: These provide a clear record of ownership, boundaries, and any rights or restrictions on the property. This system offers a high level of security and clarity for owners. Registry of Deeds Titles: This historical system records property transactions rather than the properties themselves. While it offers a form of ownership proof, it can sometimes lead to complexities in establishing clear title boundaries. Freehold vs. Leasehold: Properties in Ireland are typically held on a freehold or leasehold basis. A freehold interest grants the owner complete control over the property, whereas a leasehold interest means the property is leased for a specific term, potentially impacting long-term plans and resale value. Key Legal Considerations Several legal considerations are essential when purchasing property in Ireland: Searches and Enquiries: Conducting thorough searches and enquiries is vital to uncover any legal issues that may affect the property. This includes planning searches to understand zoning and potential developments, as well as ensuring there are no outstanding legal claims or disputes. Costs and Fees: Understanding the full spectrum of costs involved in property transactions, including stamp duty, solicitor fees, and additional charges, is essential for budgeting. Hidden costs can significantly impact the overall investment required.   How McKenna & Co. Solicitors Can Help McKenna & Co. Solicitors offers specialised legal services tailored to the nuances of Irish Property Law. Our expertise covers: Navigating Legal Complexities: Whether it’s understanding the type of property title, conducting due diligence, or navigating the auction process, we provide clear, comprehensive guidance. Tailored Legal Advice: Our team offers personalised advice based on your specific circumstances and goals, ensuring that your property purchase or sale aligns with your long-term objectives. Streamlined Conveyancing: We aim to make the conveyancing process as smooth and efficient as possible, minimising stress and maximising success in your property transactions.   Embarking on a property journey in Ireland necessitates a thorough understanding of the legal landscape. By unravelling the intricacies of Irish property law, buyers can make informed decisions, ensuring a smooth and legally sound transaction. If you’re navigating the Irish property market, don’t go it alone. Contact McKenna & Co. Solicitors today to ensure your property journey is successful, legally sound, and aligned with your personal and financial goals. Contact Us Get in Touch with Us! We’ll respond to you within 24 hours of a working day. Name Email Message Send

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The Solicitor’s Process in Buying a House: A Step-by-Step Overview Initial Consultation This step involves discussing your needs, the property details, and any specific legal requirements or concerns you may have Conducting Searches and Due Diligence The solicitor conducts various searches to identify any legal, environmental, or planning issues related to the property Reviewing and Advising on Contracts Your solicitor will review the sale contract, negotiate terms with the seller’s solicitor, and advise you on the implications of the contract terms. Managing the Exchange of Contracts Once both parties are satisfied, contracts are exchanged, and the deal becomes legally binding Completion and Transfer of Funds On the completion date, your solicitor will transfer the purchase funds to the seller’s solicitor, and you will receive the keys to your new home Post-Completion Formalities Your solicitor will handle the payment of Stamp Duty Land Tax, register you as the new owner with the Land Registry, and tie up any loose ends This step involves discussing your needs, the property details, and any specific legal requirements or concerns you may have The solicitor conducts various searches to identify any legal, environmental, or planning issues related to the property Your solicitor will review the sale contract, negotiate terms with the seller’s solicitor, and advise you on the implications of the contract terms. Once both parties are satisfied, contracts are exchanged, and the deal becomes legally binding On the completion date, your solicitor will transfer the purchase funds to the seller’s solicitor, and you will receive the keys to your new home Your solicitor will handle the payment of Stamp Duty Land Tax, register you as the new owner with the Land Registry, and tie up any loose ends Choosing the Right Solicitor for Your House Purchase The process of buying a house is complex and filled with legal intricacies. Having a knowledgeable and experienced solicitor by your side is not just beneficial; it’s essential. Here’s what to consider when selecting the right solicitor for your property purchase: Expertise in Property Law Look for a solicitor who specialises in property law and has a comprehensive understanding of the home buying process. This includes knowledge of current regulations, the ability to conduct thorough property searches, and expertise in handling contracts and negotiations. Track Record and Experience Consider the solicitor’s experience and success in handling property transactions similar to yours. A solicitor with a strong track record in successfully navigating complex transactions can provide invaluable guidance and support. Clear Communication Your solicitor should be someone who communicates clearly, promptly, and in a way that you understand. This includes explaining legal jargon, keeping you informed about the progress of your transaction, and being readily available to answer your questions. Client Reviews and Recommendations Look for reviews from past clients to gauge the solicitor’s performance and client satisfaction. Personal recommendations from friends or family who have had a positive experience with a solicitor can also be incredibly valuable. Professional Accreditation Check for professional accreditation such as membership in recognised legal societies or certifications in property law. These accreditations are a testament to the solicitor’s commitment to maintaining high standards in their practice. Service Flexibility Consider whether the solicitor offers services that cater to your specific needs, such as the ability to conduct home visits if you cannot visit their office. This flexibility can be a significant advantage in making the process more convenient for you. Cost Transparency Ensure that the solicitor offers clear information about their fees and any additional costs associated with your transaction. A reputable solicitor should provide a detailed breakdown of costs, helping you budget effectively for your house purchase. Personal Fit Finally, it’s important that you feel comfortable with your solicitor. This person will be your guide through one of the most significant transactions of your life, so having a good rapport and trust in their abilities is crucial. As we’ve explored the indispensable role of solicitors in the house buying process, it’s clear that having the right legal expertise is critical to navigating this journey successfully. For those looking to make

The “Without Prejudice” to Everything Podcast is out now.

Click the link below to listen on Spotify: Introduction:McKenna and Co have recently published its very own podcast called the “Without Prejudice” to Everything Podcast, which is available on Spotify, Amazon music, Google podcasts, Samsung podcasts and many more. We have decided to go out of our comfort zone and make this podcast because in the vast landscape of podcasts, there are few that manage to captivate their audience with a unique blend of informative discussions and engaging storytelling. “Without Prejudice” to Everything is one such podcast that delves into the realms of mansplaining and property advice. Hosted by McKenna and Co’s very own Lisa McKenna, this podcast offers a fresh perspective on these intriguing topics, leaving listeners both educated and entertained. With help from Co-host Racheal McCormack, our first episode goes through some top five tips on selling a house and then moves onto a more controversial topic with them telling stories about their own mansplaining experiences. With the knowledgeable approach of Lisa and Racheal, it allows them to navigate the intricate world of mansplaining and property advice, providing a platform for meaningful conversations that resonate with a wide audience. A Thoughtful Exploration of Mansplaining: One of the cores focuses of “Without Prejudice” to Everything is the exploration of mansplaining, a phenomenon where men condescendingly explain things to women, disregarding their knowledge and expertise. Lisa takes this important issue and sheds light on its impact on individuals and society at large. Through enlightening discussions and personal stories, the podcast aims to raise awareness, challenge stereotypes, and promote gender equality. Lisa expertly navigates the complexities of mansplaining, inviting new guests every week to share their experiences and insights. These conversations serve as a valuable resource for listeners, offering a deeper understanding of the issue while encouraging empathy and inclusivity. Insightful Property Advice: Aside from its exploration of mansplaining, “Without Prejudice” to Everything also provides invaluable property advice. Real estate can be a daunting and intricate world, but Lisa and Rachael break down the complexities, making it accessible to everyone. From buying and selling property to understanding the legal aspects and financial implications, the podcast covers a wide range of topics, catering to both experienced investors and newcomers.  Lisa and co-host Rachael’s expertise shines through as she guides listeners through the intricacies of the property market. Her ability to convey complex information in an approachable and relatable manner makes the podcast an invaluable resource for those seeking guidance in the world of real estate.  The Host, Lisa McKenna: The driving force behind “Without Prejudice” to Everything is the host, Lisa McKenna. With a wealth of experience in property investment, Lisa is the perfect person to helm a podcast exploring mansplaining and property advice. Her passion for empowering individuals, dismantling stereotypes, and providing valuable insights is evident. Her co-host Rachael McCormack also gives invaluable expertise and insights into property law. The Impact: Our aim with the “Without Prejudice” to Everything podcast is to leave a lasting impact on our listeners. By addressing mansplaining and property advice, the podcast challenges societal norms and encourages equality and inclusivity. It offers a platform for marginalized voices, amplifying their experiences and perspectives. The combination of engaging storytelling and valuable advice creates an immersive listening experience that will hopefully keep audiences coming back for more. Conclusion: “Without Prejudice” to Everything is a podcast that brilliantly merges the realms of mansplaining and property advice. Through the expertise of host Lisa McKenna, the podcast provides a space for meaningful conversations, raising awareness about important issues while offering practical guidance to listeners. By listening to this captivating podcast, one can gain valuable insights, challenge preconceptions, and empower themselves with knowledge.  Whether you are seeking to understand and combat the phenomenon of mansplaining or looking for sound advice in the realm of property, “Without Prejudice” to Everything is a podcast that deserves a spot in your playlist. Join Lisa McKenna and co-host for this week Rachael McCormack on this enlightening journey, and be prepared to be entertained, educated, inspired and help us change the world for the better.

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